Saturday, June 30, 2018

Josh Homme Reveals The Sweetest Apology Letter Anthony Bourdain Once Wrote To His Daughter

Turns out late chef Anthony Bourdain once wrote Josh Homme‘s daughter, Camile, apologising for smashing her dad’s guitar on a 2011 episode of his show, No Reservations.

The Queens of the Stone Age frontman has shared the letter with fans, revealing that Bourdain wrote it after hearing that the then-five-year-old had become very upset after seeing her dad’s guitar get rekt on TV.

Good guy Bourdain apologised for upsetting the kiddo, and assured her that the broken guitar was just a prop (and not one actually belonging to Papa Homme).

“That this was in fact a not so subtle reference to the early works of John Landis and John Belushi is something you could hardly have been expected to know, Animal House having been released long before you were born, and I apologize,” Bourdain wrote.

He went on to explain that, had he really have smashed Homme’s guitar, “Daddy would have been really angry… and as he is a large man, I strongly suspect I would not still be here to write this letter.”

Bourdain’s letter then went on to detail his admiration for Homme: “I like your Daddy so much, that when an obnoxious superfan of mine… got in your Daddy’s face — had your Daddy not gently guided him by the thorat to the welcoming arms of security — I would have broken my beer glass across the man’s skull and then jabbed the jagged remnants into his ****ing neck.

“That’s the kind of guy I am. I had your Daddy’s back — just like he had mine,” he told the tot. “You will learn about these things later — possibly in grammar school.” #nawwwwww

In the caption accompanying the letter, Homme also made it clear the admiration was mutual.

“Tony, I miss you bad. Once, Camille was so mad at you. She was defending me. & So were you. Defending me. As we had done & would do many times over the years for each other. & you, with great care, such empathy, such sweetness…” he writes. “You apologized to a little girl who was defending her daddy. Ariane, this was your father. Humbly yours, Joshua.”

Read his post and the accompanyng letter in full below.


The post Josh Homme Reveals The Sweetest Apology Letter Anthony Bourdain Once Wrote To His Daughter appeared first on Music Feeds.

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